Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

Welcome to the Bull Moose Club, a forum for Iowa Republicans under the age of 40 to gather and exchange ideas. In the tradition of Theodore Roosevelt, we believe that progress and conservatism go hand-in-hand and that open minds and open discussion lead to the best decisions.

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Our Mission and History

The Bull Moose Club is an organization of committed Republicans under the age of forty (40) whose purpose is to promote understanding of Republican politics, its principles, and historical traditions. The Club will foster interaction by providing a forum for individual interests and initiatives. The Club strives to further Republican leadership in Iowa.

Since its founding in 1989, the Club's goal has been to be a forum to hear about important issues, network with other younger Republicans and socialize with others who are interested in the political process. We hold monthly meetings and feature prominent speakers including Presidential candidates, state political and elected leaders, and local officials. Past speakers include: Vice President Richard Cheney; United States Attorney General John Ashcroft; United States Senators Chuck Grassley, Elizabeth Dole, Orrin Hatch, and Bob Smith; United States Representatives Greg Ganske, John Kasich, Tom Latham, Jim Leach, and Jim Nussle; former Governors Terry Branstad and Lamar Alexander; and former RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson.

Bull Moose Club members have differing levels of political involvement, from local and state elected officials, to campaign managers, to business and community professionals who enjoy an outlet to discuss political topics. Many of our members become the candidates you support each election cycle. The Bull Moose Club is truly the breeding ground for the future leaders of the Republican Party.

I believe in honesty, sincerity and the square deal: in making up one's mind what to do - and doing it. I believe in fearing God and taking one's own part. I believe in hitting the line hard when you are right. I believe in speaking softly and carrying a big stick. I believe in hard work and honest sport. I believe in a sane mind in a sane body. I believe we have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.